Welcome to

Käesalu Art Center

About us

Käesalu Art Center- a haven for creators and admirers of classical art

We look forward to welcoming you on weekends to enjoy art, nature, good coffee, and local pastries. Here, you can discover yourself, recharge, reflect, grow, but also dream, drift, or be inspired. With a bit of luck, you might even meet your muse. arendada aga ka unistada, uneleda, või hoopis inspireeruda. Hea õnne korral kohtuda oma muusaga. 

The Käesalu Manor greenhouse, or orangery, is a truly unique location in Harju County. Here, we can host a memorable picnic or a beautiful reception for you and your loved ones to celebrate a special occasion or event. In addition to its bright and airy spaces, you can also enjoy the beautiful park area, where natural flower meadows provide both visual and emotional delight.  Lisaks valgusküllastele ruumidele saab siin nautida ka kaunist pargiala, kus looduslikud lilleniidud pakuvad visuaalset ja emotsionaalset naudingut

The Park of Käesalu Manor

Come and enjoy the moment

Come alone, with friends, a partner, or a child – to enjoy art, greenery, nature, tranquility, and birdsong. Let yourself be surprised and book a picnic spot with delicious food in advance for your loved one or family!

Enhance teamwork through the power of art

When the team marches in step, the daily workings of the company noticeably improve. Come and be part of a powerful and unifying experience! Inquire for more details and book early!

Artist, creator of visual delight!

You are welcome to discuss plans, whether as the curator of your creative exhibitions, workshop leader, or even as the bringer of fresh ideas

"If you spend some time in nature, you become a bit of a better person."
Clifford D. Simak

What to do in here?

Enjoy the moment!

Indrek Noorsalu "Eva" Käesalu Kunstikeskuses

Come for coffee and enjoy the exhibition!

Oleme avatud 2025. hooajal maist oktoobrini nädalavahetustel ning erinevate sündmuste, nagu Unustatud mõisad, Avatud Talude päev ja kontserdite, raames. Vahel rendime ruume ka sündmuste jaoks, seega kui tuled kaugelt – helista ette! Lisaks on võimalik ette tellida lõuna- või õhtusööki.

Käesalu triiphoone kunstikursus

Indulge yourself with a day or extended art course!

We offer both one-day and three-day art courses suitable for beginners and experienced enthusiasts alike. The instructors are professional artists who are delighted to share their knowledge and experience. The surroundings here are inviting, encouraging you to enjoy the summer, the moment, and the exhilaration of acquiring new knowledge.

Kaunid peoruumid Harjumaal

Host your celebration in Käesalu Manor Park and Orangery

Teie ja teie külaliste käsutuses on Käesalu mõisa looduslike lilleniitude ja salajaste radadega park ning kauni kunstiga oranžerii. Üllatage oma lähedasi ühendava ja meeleoluka kunstikursuse, ühismaalimise või klassikalise peoga. Rohkem infot leiate siit.

Käesalu Art Center received startup support!

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